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Dennis Shen is a strategic advisor, business consultant and executive coach focused on the development of leadership, growth and transformation 

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It's all connected...problems, patterns, emotions. Sometimes we need help to separate the signal from the noise, gain new insight and vision and make a shift at work, home and our relationships

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A compelling strategy or decision needs a variety of perspectives and a thoughtful process. The best outcomes  are informed by new insight, expert guidance, real life experience, teamwork and trust

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Authentic leadership is the key to inspiring high potential talent, creating full engagement and raising the collective energy to achieve extra-ordinary and sustainable results.  It can’t be faked.

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Coach, advisor and consultant in strategy, transformation and growth.  Based on experience and expertise leading global corporations, unicorn startups and top tier public sector institutions in Asia, United States and Europe

Executive leadership roles with Boston Consulting Group, IBM Global Business, Cisco Systems, Apple & Google


Track record managing high performance teams in high growth markets across Asia, United States and Europe


Expertise in digital, transformation and growth.  Key industries: telecoms, media, consumer and health


Founder and Director of Centrecircle for the development of leadership (


Adjunct Professor Wharton Graduate Program at SMU. Degrees Kellogg (MBA) and Northwestern University (BS)


Lead for YPO Asia Well Being program and served on Executive Committee Singapore Chapter


Based in Singapore, Los Angeles & Berlin



Further details at

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You can contact Dennis at or https:/wa/6597589092 

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